Below is a manager checklist with some basic info you will need to know:
PRINT the team Rosters & waiver foirtm online. This MUST be complete with all participants parents signing the waiver prior to the Team Check in @ the field marshal tent onsite.
- Team check-in will take place 45-60 minutes at your first scheduled game field. You will also need to make sure you have all physical or digital photos of each players ID. We are acepting US Club, Cal South, or AYSO league player cards to show prow proof age and registration. 2024-25 and 2025-26 cards are acceptable.
- The tournament will supply game cards for each game DIRECTLY to the refereeās for each game. So Manager will NOT need to hang onto any game cards for this event. At the end of each game the referee will record thre scores directly online.
- All players and coaches must have laminated or digital cards.
- Print and review the tournament rules online to get familiar with them.
- Please make sure you have signed up your team for the correct age group. All tournaments taking place after February 1, 2025 will be using the upcoming 2025-2026 season age groups.
- All players and coaches must have laminated cards.
Please contact